About us
The equestrian division of Parallax Plastics is led by Anna Gardner, whose lifelong passion for horses drives the development of the products.
Anna owns several polo ponies and brings her hands-on experience as a horse owner to the design process.
"As a horse owner, I'm serious about enrichment and nutrition. Which has helped me design products that cater to the needs of all different types of horses"
Phil brings his business acumen and manufacturing skills to help develop the products and convert them from design to finished goods.

How its made

Concept & Idea
product design

qc & packing

The All in One Feeding Station
Our first equestrian product, The "All in One Feeding Station", was created in 2012; we discovered there was a need for horses to eat from a natural position, a great alternative to feeding from the floor.

The Hay Saver is still incredibly popular; although slight improvements have been made, the product has been manufactured in the UK for over a decade with over 15,000 sold worldwide.
Parallax created the first Hay Play ball, a truly revolutionary way to feed your horse, pony, donkey, or even goat.
Now sold worldwide always look for the 12 holes, dont get confused by cheaper copies.

We launched the Unicorn Vanquish groomer, a magical two-in-one grooming tool: sweat scraper and shedding tool .
Manufactured in the UK by hand, these groomers are very popular with the bright colours and a saviour in the springtime.

Another product that is one of its kind. Thanks to Writtle University, the Grad-Dual feeder is PROVEN to slow down the consumption of feed by up to three times.

Parallax acquired HUF design, which is the company responsible for manufacturing the SKUP, we -rebranded and moved the manufacture to the UK. (Can you believe it, it's cheaper to produce in the the UK instead of China.)
The Haymobil
The Haymobil is launched at SPOGA Horse 2021, vigorous testing by our customers, including vets, physio's and even a mini shetland to test the suitability.
During these periods of COVID & lockdown, we were producing several other products including PPE faceshields - nothing to do with horses!

Parallax launched and designed the Equi Bathe pro a hosepipe attachment that makes washing your horse easy and enjoyable.
Pet products that follow our branding that look great in your home, and slow feeders for pastes, raw food and dry biscuits